- Not pregnant
- Only 1 building again
- Setting expectations
- Meeting expectations
- Being innovative
Basically, I had a rough year being pregnant, trying to be in two buildings and maintaining my best teacher-self. This year I want to remind everyone why I'm a music teacher and how music can positively impact people. At the same time, I am hoping to bring some new ideas into my classroom while preserving those tried-and-true, core lessons. Above all, I want to have more joy in teaching.
Wait - you're a teacher....shouldn't you be joyful and love what you do every day?
I wish this were the case for myself and all the other teachers out there but it isn't true. I struggled during and after my pregnancy. I wasn't my best self. I clung to several friends, family and teachers who could answer my questions, be an outlet and just understood what was happening.
I wish this were the case for myself and all the other teachers out there but it isn't true. I struggled during and after my pregnancy. I wasn't my best self. I clung to several friends, family and teachers who could answer my questions, be an outlet and just understood what was happening.
When we started professional development sessions, I was immediately touched by the idea of marigolds and walnut trees.
Uhhh - what does this have to do with teaching?
Read this article. DO IT NOW! Don't skim. Truly take a few minutes and digest the goodness of this article.
Did you read it? If not, scroll up and click. This is the most relevant, powerful and unique article I may have ever read. For those of you who didn't read it (shame on you!), here's the gist of it:
- Marigolds help other plants thrive
- Marigold teachers in your career will help you be successful
- Walnut trees take from others and drag plants down
- Everyone knows a few "walnut tree" teachers who are always negative
- This can also be applied to family, friends AND students
- If you're negative or convene with those that are, your teaching and life is affected. If you find your marigolds, they will lift you up, provide support and make you a better teacher
Now, this is nothing compared to the article. It was written by Jennifer Gonzalez from Cult of Pedagogy. She originally wrote it for beginning teachers, but it can be applied to anyone. These were truly the words I needed to hear to put my feelings and thoughts into an idea. Not only am I going to work to be a marigold this year, but specifically a musical marigold. Music has the power to touch people and I want to use it to support and celebrate my fellow teachers and students.
My classroom environment is joyful. My students are joyful music makers. I haven't been joyful - until now.
I challenge you to find a marigold in your life. I also challenge you to be a musical marigold and use music as a tool to raise others up. You might even start to change a negative walnut tree into something beautiful.
Here's to a new school year - which one will you be?

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