I'm so sorry that I have been absent - BUT, it's for a good reason. WE ARE EXPECTING!
I'm currently at 18 weeks and wow, they have been a doozy. My mother and grandmother were sick their entire first pregnancies so I knew I was in for some fun.
The last few weeks of school were the most exhausting days of my life! Imagine "beginning of the year" tired and take that times THREE! I literally went to school, came home and slept, went back to school in the morning. Summer wasn't much better - morning sickness hit me hard! I lost 20 pounds over the summer which is not necessarily the best when you're trying to grow another human being.
Thankfully, Baby Skog knew it was time to go back to school and has settled down. I still eat multiple times a day, chug my water and have Preggie Pops but at least I'm not hanging out in the bathroom all day and night.
So, what does this mean for my blog and TPT? Now that I am feeling better, I will be back posting classroom tidbits, products and clothing advice as always. However, you will see some maternity entries pop up every now and then! It truly is different for a "specials" teacher to be pregnant than a regular classroom teacher. Trust me - folk dancing is not your friend when you are nauseous! But, more on that in a later post.
Until then, have a great beginning of your school year! Here's a picture of my kitty and bump savoring the last afternoon nap before it all starts: