#1: We Wish You a Merry Christmas (with cups!)
I love this idea! I used Wendy's cup tapping activities last year with "We Three Kings." Check it out here: Amahl and the Night Visitors
It's sure to be a hit with your students, young and old!
It's sure to be a hit with your students, young and old!
Veterans Day is a community wide celebration for our school district. I want my students to know the importance of our country and those who protect it. However, it's hard for younger students to understand this. I love how Michelle Obama teamed up with the Penguins to explain the importance of Veterans Day! I showed this to my classes this past week.
#3: Audience Behavior
Check out this great post from Tracy King about audience behavior. She even includes a sample script! Wonderful to check out in preparation for all of those holiday concerts.
#4: Tshirt
This tshirt is hilarious! I might just have to get it to see who gets the joke in my school.
I have been trying to find a way to teach about Guido since I started. This Sub Tub Stuffer is great! I might actually just use it as a real lesson for my older students. Check it out!
I hope all is well with your school year! We had rain, sun, hail, wind and snow all in one day this week. It's never boring around here!

Thanks for the shout out! :-)